Partnerhochschule des Spitzensports / Partner university for top athletes

With the consentual agreement „Partnerhochschule des Spitzensports“ on 2003-02-03 between the ADH / Allgemeinen Deutschen Hochschulsportverband, University of Augsburg, University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Studentenwerk Augsburg, and the Olympiastützpunkt Bayern all top level athletes are meant to be receiving support in combining their sports with studying. All the before mentioned institutions offer help with any issues in e.g.: adaptive study curriculums, extended leaves due to training, extra semesters / vacation, extended time-frames for student's living quarters / apartments, free usage of sports infrastructure, etc.

Contact for our university: Ms. Dr. Christine Höss-Jelten (Hochschulsport)
Telephone: 0821/598-2810 or -2808
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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